

My Trademark’s validity got expired 2 months ago. What should I do ?
6years age StatusManagement
Views 4740

Hi, I have a Chinese trademark and I checked found that it has expired 2 months through your website. does it mean this trademark already invalidated? What should I do to save it? Thanks.

TMsearch 6years age

Once registered, a Trademark is valid for 10 years, calculated from the registration date.

For continuous usage, after first 10 years, the applicant should keep on renewing it every 10 years.

Application for renewal of registered trademark shall be filed with the Chinese Trademark Office (CTMO) within 12 months before the expiration of the period of validity.

If no application is filed within said period, a grace period of 6 months is allowed with a payment of a surcharge. If there is still no renewal application filed within the grace period, the registration will be canceled.

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